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The Overcast Comic Universe was born in February 2014 during a late night brainstorming session fueled by nachos and lemonade. More than seven years have passed since then, and the ever-expanding Overcast Universe now has more than 300 characters waiting in turn to tell their stories.

Deathspot: 'The Death of Me'
*Online Now*
Stalked by tragedy, Gabe Doughtry will go to great lengths in protecting his daughter.

The Outliers: 'Silent Echo'
*Online Now*
An unassuming array of Albuquerque locals band together when an ancient clandestine code is awakened.

Om Agents: 'Never Falls Far'
*Online Now*
The universe's protectors of equity and the original truth, by every means.

Infamy's Army: 'Indelible Destiny'
*ETA Late 2021*
Long forgotten in the shadows of social acceptance, they have emerged to correct that plight, once and for all.

Pop Vultures: untitled
*ETA Late 2021*
Gen Z heirs of pop culture lineage exploit their privilege while recklessly pushing toward their own notoriety.

Initial releases will have installments published approximately monthly.

JANUARY 1, 2022


©2021 Overcast Comic Universe